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privacy policy for Unix App

  Effective Date: 23 Jan 2024 1. Introduction :   This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information when you use our Android application ("App"). By accessing or using the App, you agree to the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use the App. 2. Information We Collect : - 2.1. Personal Information: We do not collect any personal information from you directly. However, we may collect non-personal information such as device information (e.g., device type, operating system, unique device identifier), and usage data (e.g., pages visited, interactions within the App). 2.2. User-Generated Content: The App allows you to submit questions and answers. Any content you submit will be stored on your local device.  3. How We Use Your Information -We may use non-personal information for analytical purposes, to monitor and analyze usage patterns and trends i

privacy policy for Selenium App

 Effective Date: 16 Sep 2023 URL - 1. Introduction :   This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information when you use our Android application ("App"). By accessing or using the App, you agree to the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use the App. 2. Information We Collect : - 2.1. Personal Information: We do not collect any personal information from you directly. However, we may collect non-personal information such as device information (e.g., device type, operating system, unique device identifier), and usage data (e.g., pages visited, interactions within the App). 2.2. User-Generated Content: The App allows you to submit questions and answers. Any content you submit will be stored on your local device.  3. How We Use Your Information -We may use non-personal information for an


 Selenium What do you mean by ROI? What is Remote Webdriver? How can we upload file in headless browser mode if field is not file type(without using sendkeys) Desired Capabilities Vs Chrome Options? Java hashtable vs hashmap java Testing Defect Lifecycle

Software Testing

Question: What is software testing, and why is it important? Answer: Software testing is the process of evaluating a software application to identify and rectify defects or issues. It ensures that the software meets the specified requirements, functions correctly, and is reliable.  It's important because it helps improve the quality of the software, reduces the risk of defects in production, and enhances user satisfaction. Question:   Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) Answer: SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is a structured and systematic approach to planning, creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications or systems. SDLC provides a framework for software development teams to follow in order to ensure that software projects are completed efficiently, with high quality, and within budget. The SDLC process typically consists of several stages or phases, which can vary in number and specific activities depending on the chosen methodology or

Topic List

Selenium MCQ (695939364463034111/6765473985710491429) TestNG MCQ(695939364463034111/3306787147762427620) API testing MCQ(695939364463034111/4052039054737182345) Git MCQ(695939364463034111/6800680716150952511) Selenium Question(695939364463034111/1661034098467580764) TestNG Questions(695939364463034111/8794943787859598092) Git Commands(695939364463034111/6542332743279727021) API Questions(695939364463034111/8924884184314606966) TestPage(695939364463034111/8652238715717081049)


Question :What is TestNG? A programming language A test automation framework A browser An operating system Correct Answer :  A test automation framework   Question :Which file is used to configure TestNG settings? testng.xml testng.cfg testng.settings Correct Answer :  testng.xml   Question :How do you define a test method in TestNG? public void testMethod()` public void testMethod()` with `@Test` annotation public void testMethod()` with `@startTest` annotation `@TestMethod` Correct Answer :  public void testMethod()` with `@Test` annotation   Question :What is the purpose of the `@Test` annotation in TestNG? It marks a method as a test method It defines the test data It specifies the test priority It handles test dependencies Correct Answer :  It marks a method as a test method   Question :How do you group test methods in TestNG? Using the `@Group` annotation Using the `@Test` annotation Using the `@Group` annotation with the group name Using the `@Test` annotation

TestNG Questions

Question:  TestNG Annotations Answer: @Test @BeforeMethod @AfterMethod @BeforeTest @AfterTest @BeforeClass @AfterClass @Test(enabled = false) @Test(enabled = true) @Test(priority=2) @Test(priority=5,dependsOnMethods={"method1","method2"}) @Test(dependsOnMethods = {"method1"}, alwaysRun=true) @Test(groups = { "Group1", "Group2" }) @Parameters({"testparameter1", "testparameter2"}) @Listeners(packagename.ListenerClassName.class) @Test (dataProvider = "getUserIDandPassword") @Test (description = "Open Facebook Login Page", timeOut=35000) @Test (invocationCount = 3, invocationTimeOut = 20000) @Test (invocationCount = 3, skipFailedInvocations = true) @Test (invocationCount = 3) @Test (invocationCount = 7, threadPoolSize = 2) Question:  Order of TestNG annotations Answer:  Order of TestNG annotations is as below : - @BeforeSuite @BeforeTest @BeforeClass @BeforeMethod @Test @AfterMethod @AfterClass @After