How do you launch a browser in WebDriverIO? What are selectors in WebDriverIO, and what are some types of selectors? What is an implicit wait in WebDriverIO, and how is it useful? What is the difference between getText() and getValue() in WebDriverIO How do you perform drag and drop actions in WebDriverIO What is the difference between waitForEnabled() and waitForDisplayed() in WebDriverIO How do you handle alerts and pop-ups in WebDriverIO What are the benefits of using the Page Object Model (POM) in WebDriverIO? What is a custom command in WebDriverIO, and how do you create one What is a hook in WebDriverIO, and mention types of hooks? How do you take screenshots in WebDriverIO How do you interact with iframes in WebDriverIO What is the difference between browser.url() and browser.navigateTo() in WebDriverIO How do you interact with a select dropdown in WebDriverIO? How do you interact with a file input element in WebDriverIO What is the difference between waitForExist() and wa...